Commander’s Report – July 2021

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Commanders update July:

Hope this finds everyone well. We had a great time this month with our scout troops. One group of scouts got to go out to New Mexico to hike the mountains there. Then later in the month the entire group of scouts were at camp Bartle.

We had a good month selling raffle tickets which paid for our clearing work that was done at lake. Some other big news is that the post achieved All-American status again from National headquarters. We will be mentioned in the next VFW MAGAZINE.

Money is still available for members to upgrade to a life membership and receive half of their money back. Come on man!! What are you waiting for? Get on the band wagon before its gone.

Tickets still available for raffle. Go online or give us a call. This helps support the post,

We were at the Holden rodeo, and the Pro Bull Riding event, also at Farmers market events. We had the Red Cross in also for a blood drive that went well and will be doing more of these in the future.

That’0s all for now , be safe, commander out.