Commander’s Update – June 2021

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Summer has arrived for sure. Hope everyone is fine, if you’re not, call me.

Here’s what’s going on, our scouts both boy’s and girls had their honor courts , we had a great time with them . We presented achievement certificates to the boy’s and girl’s EAGLE SCOUTS.

Want to let everyone know we are having a Red Cross blood drive at the post July 6. They need our help.

We’ve been working some events, two farmers market, had a good time at Old Drum Days, Holden rodeo this Saturday.

There is only a little work left on the decking, need to spray the lattice work. We have approved upgrading the post’s electrical system, and we are waiting on scheduling. We also did some grading that really smoothed up the drive way. We also have approved the clearing of some of the timber on the east side of lake. Eventually this will be for members and scouts to have picnics, camp, and fish, by entering from Warren street with parking and loop drive close to the water.

In closing I want to encourage everyone who can to come to the post July 5th. The scouts are providing an evening of celebration, with them providing pot luck meal, games, etc. Come down and meet these fine young Americans trying to do things right. This was all their idea, to repay the post for 60 years of support.

Hope to see you there, commander out.